Built during the period of 1849-1903, St Eugene’s Cathedral is an incredible piece of  Roman Catholic culture. After multiple renovations and reconstructions it captures you with its beauty of stained glass windows letting in incredible colours in the sunlight. It enhances the sacrum effect which can be adored with every step taken inside the temple. The tall spire with a belfry and a soaring roof emphasize the style it was built in. 

Touring Derry you simply cannot walk by this architectural achievement without appreciating it’s beauty for at least a second, so remember to check it out while you’re visiting.   

St Eugene's Cathedral - Derry~Londonderry guide

Art & Cutlure, Religion, Historical Site
: Creggan St, Londonderry BT48 9AP
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 07:30–20:00
Free entry

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