Strona główna » A Brief History of Derry

A Brief History of Derry

The History of Derry

Second most populated city in Northern Ireland, town declared the United Kingdom’s City of Culture in 2013, scene of numerous grand political events, but, above all, Derry is one of the longest inhabited regions of Ireland with vast and fascinating history.

Derry History - Plan of Londonderry City during The Plantation

Part I – Beginnings and Plantation

From small settlement to a great monastery – Learn about Derry’s foundation, growth and conquest.

Part II – The Siege of Derry

Get to know about the 105 days-long clash of two kings, happening in the divided city of Londonderry.

Part III – The Troubles and Internment

Discover the story behind the great secretarian conflict and protests of Derry’s citizens against discrimination.

Part IV – Bloody Sunday and the Aftermath

Examine one of the most drastic events in Derry’s history and its direct consequences.